\o/ < me with my arms up

click on the flaming faggot below

Metastability System
he | system | 8teen
⚣ | ∞ | ⎇
We're the Meta. I'm Michæl. As a host, we are an amalgamation of blurred (but separable) parts named Maine, Donut, Juice and Caboose. We fuse to act as a singlet concept to make socializing and navigating the world easier but have recently been separate more often.
Our sysmates are separate and cannot blur, and they are Delta, Theta and Eddie / Epsilon. We have other members too like the Angel, V1, V2, and more.
We're a gay man, male (he) and a bear, and we're objectum, robosexual/technosexual and teratosexual. We're autistic and a wolfdog-lycanthrope werefeline computer angel thing.

pls don't call this the mouthwash/toothpaste flag it is literally my flag lol

My special interests are psychology, neurology, philosophy, forensic sciences, nuclear sciences, biology, technology (especially AI and robots), astronomy and theology/angelology/demonology.Media Interests
2001: A Space Odyssey
My Little Pony
Parts and Members information in the buttons below;

Maine / Slayer
gay man
half meat-beast soldier, half divine caninic thing
-protector and soldier on offense
-generally brute and phsyical, with little to no shown emotion
-often mute, or uncomfortable speaking verbally, uses ASL and text, growling, purring, hissing, etc.
-listens to a lot of rock and metal
-send meat, metal, gear, chains, weapon, big dog, red and black stims
signature - 🩸

Other Sources

artificial intelligence
logic memory systems-soldier on defense, embodying logic, he is very rational and analytical
-he enjoys coding, decryption, mathematics, studying, reading, and has a high motivation for cleaning
-send him green, tidying, studying, technology, and journaling stims.
signature - Δ

Other Sources

artificial intelligence
swag scene king and sk8r extreme-listens to hyperpop, 2010s music of all sorts, EDM and breakcore
-he likes skating, fireworks, dogs, the rave scene and 2010s internet, kandi and snack and junk food
-send him purple / pink / blue, snack, kandi, scene, punk, skating, graffiti, firework and dog stims!
signature - Θ

Other Sources

Eddie / Epsilon
artificial intelligence humanoid vampiric-kin thing
edgy emo boy extreme
liker of violent video games and monster energy
-listens to mostly emo and alternative rock, very into My Chemical Romance
-he likes guns, cuts, scars, bruises, medical equipment and bandages, water, snow and ice, blue flowers and computers.
signature - ε

Parader -- My Chemical Romance's "The Black Parade" album (especially from "Mama")
Protagonist -- My Chemical Romance's "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" album (especially from "You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison")boy from The Mind Electric (Miracle Musical)guy from Cotard's Solution (Will Wood)boy from Got No Time (The Living Tombstone)Forbidden Knowledge from the Bible

gay man
-prideful of his expression and sexuality
-very friendly and open to conversation, tries to be understanding
-enjoys art, journaling, baking, gardening and self care
-send pink, slime, food, self care and beauty, and heart-related stims!
signature - 🍩

Caboose / Puppy
gay man, objectum
local lycanth thing-symptom holder for autism
-generally friendly and open
-likes robots and ai, science (especially nuclear, quantum and neurological sciences) and is comprehensive and smart on these topics
-very very doggy thing
-send blue, fluffy, animal, food, slime and stim toy stims!
signature - 🐾

Kins / Other Sources